
Aims and Objective

The aim is to provide re-creational education. We shall provide physical education, language, craft, drama, art and handicraft in the school, to promote & develop reading habits & hobbies so that in future the pupil will use their spare time in some useful activities that would provide social stability. Times are changing and children constitute as a precious human resource of the country who need to be cherished, nurtured and developed with tenderness and care, coupled with dynamism. To impart a practical and purposeful education to pupil irrespective of caste, creed & religion, the best of education will be given with utmost care, love & understanding with the view towards instilling moral and ethical values, strength of character, strong discipline and patriotism in the young minds. The school will strive with deep interest in the total growth of a child spiritually, mentally and physically, Good manners, politeness, respect for teachers and elders, punctuality, cleanliness, honesty, integrity and fear of the Lord will be included in the students through consistent and collective endeavors. Dignity of labor, music and games will form integral part of school activities. Exposure to the latest educational development in all fields through film shows (Videos) will be provided to equip children with up-to-date knowledge. Teachers / Parents meeting will be regular features of the school for consultations, mutual encouragement and feedback of the child’s development and progress. “To light the children for life”